Ireland's ring of Kerry. Walking Tour. Irish hotel, ireland vacation. Ireland travel, Ireland rental car, Ireland hiking tour, holiday ireland, Walking vacation, Killarny National park.
USA and arrival
Pre-walk in Limerick
Day 1 Killarney National Park
Day 2 Bera Peninsula
Day 4 Waterville to Dingle Bay
Day 3 west of Kenmare
Day 5 Laugh Caragh

Homepage - - Site Map - - Ring of Kerry map

© 2006 Ken Spranza Web Designs
June 12th 2006.

Welcome back fellow Wayfarers.
Captions have been added to pictures for all five days of the walk.

All of the high resolution photos have been added on a separate page in assorted sizes. And, most importantly: THE SONG BOOK is now on the web!
Check the "site map" page for a direct link. There are some other unexpected goodies there.

I have a large collection of Guinness Signs, Bars, and Pubs that I will put up after a breather. Check back soon.
